Description (organic) soy protein isolate:
The soybean is characterized by its high protein content of about 37%, with an amino acid composition similar to that of meat. The (organic) soy protein isolate is a highly concentrated protein supplier with a crude protein content of 80%, of which 35% are essential amino acids. During production, the protein is extracted from defatted soy flakes and then dried. Moderate heating inactivates the antinutritive ingredients typical of legumes.
Soy protein isolate is used in the food sector as an emulsifier, as well as to increase the protein content in foods, e.g. in sausage, ham or frozen meat products. Soy protein isolate is also popular in sports nutrition.
organic, conventional, GMO-free
EU, China
food, dietary supplements
vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free
Protein content:
approx. 80%